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06 Jul 2022
An increasing number of businesses are seeing the fruits of embracing ESG. How can companies foster greater business opportunities and position themselves for future growth through integrating ESG into their businesses? At the recent“第四屆財經峰會暨ESG大獎頒獎典禮”, Grace Kwok, Chairman and Executive Director of AEC Group and Founding Vice-President of GBACNA has shared her insights on the opportunities arising from ESG based on the major ESG challenges indicated in the ESG Trends to Watch for 2022 released by MSCI and her extensive experience and professional expertise in providing consulting services for enterprise clients. Discover out more from the latest piece by AEC Group, Founding Member of Greater Bay Area Carbon Neutrality Association published on Master Insight Media.

Full article (in Chinese only):峰會上,郭美珩引用了MSCI近日的發表2022年ESG趨勢展望報告,報告結果提出了未來的3大挑戰。(灼見名家圖片)

05 Jun 2022
It’s World Environment Day today! AEC Group is at all times devoted to working with all sectors to build a better place for all through our expertise in environmental and sustainability solutions. Echoing this year’s theme Only One Earth, AEC Group, once again, gives our full support to the Hong Kong Green Day 2022 organized by Green Council. This Campaign encourages everybody to dress green for advocating a green living style, together with other initiatives motivating the adoption of green practices among the industries. We believe the success of overcoming climate challenges depends on what we do today – Let’s act now to see what AEC Group has been up to for navigating a cleaner future:

(About HKGreenDay 2022 organized by Green Council:

19 May 2022
AEC Group received three awards at the BDO ESG Awards 2022 Virtual Presentation Ceremony organized by BDO Limited!

List of awards:
  • Best in ESG – GEM
  • Best in Reporting – GEM
  • ESG Report of the Year – GEM
We would like to take this opportunity to express our sincere gratitude to BDO Limited and all the judges for recognizing our teams’ unfailing efforts in ESG. As always, our teams have been doing their utmost to integrate sustainability strategy into our business operation and to provide comprehensive ESG advisory and reporting services for our diverse clients, ranging from identifying the material aspects of ESG issues, formulating ESG strategy and implementation plans to the preparation of ESG reports.

30 Sep 2021

One Button to HKEX Compliant ESG Reporting

Monitoring Carbon Reduction at a Glance to Help Achieve Carbon Neutrality


Environmental, Social and Governance (“ESG”) has become one of the mainstreams in the business community locally and globally. Allied Sustainability and Environmental Consultants Group Limited (“AEC Group” or the “Company”; Stock Code: 8320.HK; together with its subsidiaries, the “Group”) today announced the launch of Sustainature, an online ESG management platform. The platform simplifies the process of ESG data processing for enterprises of all types, analyzes and manages data in one place, and helps generate ESG reports in compliance with the requirements of Hong Kong Stock Exchange ("HKEX"). It not only helps companies comply with HKEX’s increasingly stringent ESG disclosure requirements, but also keeps them abreast of the latest trends in digital transformation to cater for the growing needs for ESG disclosures from stakeholders including shareholders, customers and community at large.


As ESG digitalization becomes a significant trend, future sustainability reports are expected to be more comprehensive and cover more complete and quality ESG information to keep pace with stakeholders’ increasing attention to ESG issues, while advancing carbon neutrality and corporate sustainability in the long run. Previously, ESG reporting was extremely challenging for enterprises. Companies needed to manually collect and consolidate the data from all parties and multiple locations, which was often time-consuming and inefficient. Meanwhile, HKEX has been tightening its disclosure requirements and shortened the period for publishing reports to within five months after the financial year end.


Collecting and disclosing data in a traditional way is no longer efficient, nor appropriate. To keep up with the pace of digital transformation, the Group launched Sustainature, a one-stop platform for ESG data collection, analysis, and management. Sustainature helps users collect and record ESG data from different business units anytime and anywhere, automatically calculates and analyzes the data, and generates HKEX compliant ESG reports with just a simple click. This platform greatly simplifies the reporting process, especially with limited time and resources. It is also equipped with target-setting feature and progress tracker, which allow companies to make better use of their data to formulate net-zero targets and track the progress against the goals.


Mr. Wu Dennis Pak Kit, Vice Chairman and Executive Director of AEC Group, said, “Governments in many countries have pledged their commitment to carbon neutrality, including Hong Kong and Mainland China. At the end of last year, Hong Kong announced its carbon neutrality pledge by 2050, and China’s target is by 2060. As ESG and sustainable development continue to receive widespread attention from the public and business sectors, we are pleased to launch Sustainature today to help companies do more with less effort in ESG disclosures. AEC Group has been working closely with all sectors to build resilience to climate change, and is moving towards our goal of net zero carbon business operation by 2030. Looking ahead, we will continue to collaborate with our business partners to formulate more innovative technologies and solutions, and join hands with all walks of life to forge ahead towards a net-zero future."

Click here for the press release.

06 Jul 2021

Allied Sustainability and Environmental Consultants Group Limited (“AEC Group”; Stock Code: 8320.HK) has received two ESG awards, including the ESG Committee Prize in the InnoESG Prize 2021, and the Gold award in Special ESG Awards – Outstanding ESG Performer of the Year at the inaugural ESG Achievement Awards 2020.


These recognitions affirm AEC Group’s unwavering efforts in driving sustainability within and beyond our company – integrating ESG in our business while supporting clients from all walks of life to build resilience, reduce risk, and capture opportunities through tailor-made sustainability strategies.


To build a robust sustainability governance structure, AEC Group is one of the first listed companies in Hong Kong to establish an ESG Committee within the board of Directors (the “Board”). Through the ESG Committee, we walk the talk and uphold the highest level of sustainability governance standards, helping our clients realize the benefits of ESG strategies.


Co-granted by SocietyNext Foundation, UNESCO HK Association Glocal Peace Centre, and Rotary Action Group for Peace, the InnoESG Prize recognizes three factors: 1) Impact on Society; 2) Influence on Society; and 3) Innovation in Solutions. Various awards are presented, including ESG Committee Prize that recognizes committees demonstrating excellence for organizational change of ESG / sustainability.


ESG Achievement Awards 2020 have been initiated and organized by the Institute of ESG & Benchmark (“IESGB”). It aims to serve as a significant benchmark of the current sustainable development standards and best practices in Hong Kong by emphasizing the value of outstanding sustainability performance of companies.


The full winners lists of these awards are available at:

InnoESG Prize’s website

ESG Achievement Awards 2020’s website


Look back at our Sustainability Report 2020.




10 May 2021

AEC Group is pleased to announce that the Company joined ranks of WorldGBC Asia Pacific Net Zero Collaborators, collaborating closely with World Green Building Council in the Asia Pacific Region to increase confidence and momentum towards a net zero built environment. AEC Group shall provide further insights, as well as resource the roll out of WorldGBC's Advancing Net Zero programme, a global project working towards total sector decarbonization by 2050, in the Asia Pacific region.


Ms Grace Kwok, Chairman and Executive Director of AEC Group, said, “We are delighted to become one of the WorldGBC Asia Pacific Net Zero Collaborators and strengthen our commitment to driving the transition to a net-zero future. AEC Group has been ramping up efforts to advocate net-zero transition and build resilience to climate change. Looking ahead, AEC Group will continue to work closely with WorldGBC and other partners to achieve our shared goal of net zero future and shape a sustainable built environment for all.”


Click here for the press release.

23 Apr 2021

In recent years, ESG disclosure requirements for listed companies have been rapidly raised around the world. However, dealing with massive amounts of data has become a major challenge for many corporates in the data booming era. Does the industry have a solution to solve the data management issue? Read more about the latest development of ESG reporting in the digital era from an article written by AEC Group on GRESB Insights.


Read the article HERE.

23 Feb 2021

[Hong Kong – 23 February 2021] Allied Sustainability and Environmental Consultants Group Limited (“AEC Group” or the “Company”; Stock Code: 8320.HK; together with its subsidiaries, the “Group”) is pleased to announce that the Company won the Best in ESG – GEM and Best in Reporting – GEM awards at the BDO ESG Awards 2021, endorsing AEC Group's contribution to Environmental, Social and Governance (“ESG”) in the past year.


Presented by BDO, the world’s fifth largest accountancy network, BDO ESG Awards has attracted extensive support and participation from listed companies since its inauguration in 2018. The award evaluates the ESG performance of the participating companies from various aspects, including Environment; Employment and Labor Practices; Operational Practices; Community Investment; and so on. It also assesses the creativity and creative performance of the participating companies. AEC Group is enlisted as one of the winners among the listed companies this year, affirming the Group's brand and strength in the industry.


For more information, please click here for the press release.

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