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Professional Insights

17 Jan 2022
Dr. Kenny Siu’s Sharing on Sing Pao Column – From Industrial Revolution to Carbon Neutrality

Countries have reached a consensus at the COP26 Climate Conference on limiting global warming within 1.5°C and setting an interim target by 2030, that is, a 45% reduction in global carbon emissions. The significant growth of carbon emissions can be traced back to 1750 when the first steam engine was out, which substantially contributed to the Industrial Revolution. During the time, all kinds of mines and woodland were in great demand for rapid economic growth, and over-extraction of natural resources imposed huge negative impacts on the environment.

Since 1750, the United States has emitted a cumulative total of 50.9 billion tons of carbon dioxide and it is far more than that of China and Russia. However, population size variations make no excuses when it comes to carbon reduction. China has set forth the dual carbon goals in the 14th Five-Year Plan, committing to reach peak carbon emissions by 2030 and achieve carbon neutrality by 2060 through various means such as tree planting, energy conservation, and emission reduction.

Learn more from the full article (in Chinese only) written by Kenny Siu, Senior Advisor of AEC Group, published on Sing Pao on 17 January.

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